Remembering George A. Miller

George A. Miller

George A. Miller grew up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He attended the University of Pennsylvania with a Geography scholarship, served in the US Army, and later received an MBA from UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. After a reasonably successful 25-year career in the mutual fund business (American Express and Capital Research), he left his day job to spend full time making the world a better place. George has been involved in several environmental causes over the past forty years, the latest being to restore the Hetch Hetchy Valley, in effect, creating a new Yosemite. He developed his "estate plan" years ago: give everything away, live to be 80, have a double vodka, and die broke.

The two biggest successes of this undertaking are a micro-credit program in Vietnam–which has served 45,000 impoverished women–and the Miller Scholarship. He is extremely proud of these "investments" and states that they have a lot of fun. He has been a Trustee of the UC Berkley Foundation for several years and a serious supporter of the Cal Band.